-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Audio Router 2.0 Readme -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Audio Router connects the output of one sound card to the input of another internally. This is useful as it can save fiddling around the back of the PC connecting analogue cables. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Requirements -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Java 7 or newer. You can download the Oracle JRE from http://www.java.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No installation required, just put Audio_Router.jar wherever you want and double-click on it to start. If double-clicking doesn't work for some reason, then try typing this at the command line: java -jar "Audio_Router.jar" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Input: Shows all detected audio inputs. Select which one you want to read audio from. Output: Shows all detected audio outputs. Select which one you want to route audio to. Buffer Size: A smaller buffer means lower latency, a larger buffer will reduce glitches. Which value works best will depend on your system. Sample rate: Number of samples per second of the connection. You should choose one that both input and output support. 44100 or 48000 ar the most common. Resolution: Number of bits per sample. Again, you should select something that both input and output can handle. 16 is the most common. Channels: Number of channels to connect. 1 (mono) or 2 (stereo) are the most likely to work. Once you have set everything as you like, press the 'connect' button to open the connection. Press it again to stop. If you don't hear anything, check that you have chosen an audio format that works with both input and output. The default (44.1kHz, 16bit, stereo) is virtually guaranteed to work with any sound card. If you hear crackling or other distortion, try increasing the buffer size. If that still doesn't work, try decreasing sample rate and/or resolution and/or channels. Note that because there is no synchronization of clocks between input and output, it is impossible to have a perfect connection, although in practice there should be no noticable glitches for a long time on a fast computer. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Change Log -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.0 (August 2012) - Rewrote a whole load of stuff, resulting in a lower practical minimum buffer size (512 works on my PC now, where 1024 was the minimum with 1.1). - Settings are now stored in a folder called .AudioRouter in your user data folder ("C:\Users\{UserName}\.AudioRouter" on Windows 7), along with a log file. Version 1.1 (October 2006) - Implemented new buffering strategy which decouples input from output, to improve reliability of connection and reduce CPU usage. - GUI no longer allows setting changes while connected. - Settings are now saved to Audio_Router.xml, in the same directory as Audio_Router.jar Version 1.0 (July 2006) - Initial release. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- www: http://mrevil.asvachin.eu e-mail: miles@cheese83.freeserve.co.uk If you want to report a bug, then please include some useful information, such as version of this software, JRE version, operating system and exactly what you did to cause the bug. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I place this program and its source code in the public domain, so you can do whatever you want with it.