------------------------------------------------------------ Radix Reducer 1.2 Readme ------------------------------------------------------------ Converts a number in any base between 2 (binary) and 36 (sexatrigesimal) inclusive to all other bases in that range simultaneously. Numbers may be negative and may also contain radix fractions e.g. -14.752 The following symbols are used to represent decimal numbers 0 to 35 respectively: 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ A period "." is used for the radix point. A dash "-" prefixes a number to indicate that it is negative. Fractions are calculated to between 1 and 128 radix places (user selectable). There is no limit to the precision of the integer part. ------------------------------------------------------------ Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------ A recent Java runtime environment (tested with 1.5.0). You can download the Sun JRE from http://www.java.com ------------------------------------------------------------ Installation ------------------------------------------------------------ No installation required, just put Radix_Reducer.jar wherever you want and double-click on it to start. If double-clicking doesn't work for some reason, then try typing this at the command line: java -jar "Radix_Reducer.jar" ------------------------------------------------------------ Use ------------------------------------------------------------ Simply enter a number into one of the boxes and press enter. Binary, decimal and hexadecimal are highlighted, as they are the most useful for programmers. If you wish to increase or decrease the precision (default 16 radix places), enter the value in the box provided at the top. Please be aware that very high precision may take an appreciable time to calculate for some numbers if you have a slow machine. Ticking the "auto-calc" box causes bases to be calculated as you type. Useful if you want to see quick results, but uses a lot more CPU time. Note that I may or may not have compeletely made up some of the base names (binary, quinvigesimal, duotrigesimal etc.). There is no standard for most of them so I just followed the logical pattern. ------------------------------------------------------------ Change Log ------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.2 (October 2006) - Fixed bug causing incorrect rounding in some cases. - Focus is now initially given to the first text field. Version 1.1 (October 2006) - Added right-click menu for cut/copy/paste. - Added auto-calc option - Fixed bug allowing pasting of numbers containing multiple radix points. Version 1.0 (July 2006) - Initial release. ------------------------------------------------------------ Contact ------------------------------------------------------------ www: http://mrevil.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk e-mail: miles@cheese83.freeserve.co.uk If you want to report a bug, then please include some useful information, such as version of this software, JRE version, operating system and exactly what you did to cause the bug. ------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright ------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright © 2006 Miles Asvachin Feel free to do whatever you want with this software, but please provide credit where appropriate if you redistribute it or parts of it.